
What Is a New Hampshire Highway Crossover Accident?

August 24, 2021

Crossover accidents occur when a motor vehicle attempts to change directions by crossing over a road divider. The divider may be a painted line, median, grassy path, or roadway reserved for emergency vehicles. While New Hampshire crossover accidents are not the most common type of collision, the risks associated with the maneuver can have devastating consequences. These accidents tend to be serious because of the speeds of the vehicles involved.

For instance, a news report described an accident involving a driver trying to change directions on I-95. The driver and her passenger were driving southbound on the highway when she attempted to change directions. She used the crossover and entered the passing lane to make the turn. While attempting this unsafe turn, another driver was traveling in the passing lane and could not avoid colliding with the woman. Emergency responders transported the woman to a local hospital for treatment for non-life-threatening injuries. However, her passenger suffered serious injuries and was life-flighted to a nearby medical center. The woman faces charges of Aggravated Driving to Endanger and Operating with an Expired License.

Crossover accidents typically involve a vehicle crossing over a physical barrier or prohibited area on a highway. Barriers are self-explanatory; however, areas without physical barriers tend to have signage indicating that motorists cannot cross the area. Further, changing directions on a major highway is a risky move. Motorists who wish to change directions must do so by exiting the highway and reentering through the appropriate lanes.

While research into crossover accidents does not indicate one predominant cause, there are a variety of reasons that these accidents occur. The leading causes involve inclement weather, driver error, and driver inattention and avoidance. These types of accidents can cause injuries to the driver making the unsafe turn, their passengers, other drivers, and road workers. In many cases, liability turns onto the driver who made the illegal turn. However, in some situations, the accident may be due partly to a defective roadway or median design or insufficient warning signs as such injury victims may have a claim against the negligent driver or against the state or governmental entity that designed or is responsible for the unsafe roadway. It is important to note that passengers of a negligent driver have the same right to recovery as any other victim.

Have You Been Injured in a New Hampshire Car Accident

If you or someone you love has suffered injuries because of another’s negligence, the attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates can help you recover compensation for your losses. Various organizations have recognized the lawyers at our office, such as the 2021 “Best Lawyers in America” and “Super Lawyers,” and “Best Law Firm.” We represent clients in New Hampshire car accidents, medical malpractice claims, slip and falls, and more. Our attorneys have an in-depth understanding of complex new Hampshire law, and the experience necessary to put that knowledge to good use. Contact our legal team at 800-804-2004 to schedule a free initial consultation with a New Hampshire injury attorney at our firm.

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