New Hampshire Head-On Collision Leaves Four Dead
September 30, 2022
In New Hampshire, there are various claims a person can bring if he or she suffers damages from a car accident. One of the most difficult and, unfortunately, the most common, cases we encounter in our practice is a wrongful death claim, which allows family members of a deceased car crash victim to sue for monetary compensation in light of their loved one’s death.
Recently, a crash in Rollinsford, New Hampshire, left four people dead – two upon impact and two after short stints in the hospital. Police officers reported that a 2014 Subaru Forrester crossed into oncoming traffic and collided with a 2010 Dodge Caravan. Tragically, one of the drivers and one of the passengers involved in the crash were pronounced dead at the scene. The remaining two individuals were transported to the hospital, where they later died from accident-related injuries. Reports thus far have not included details on potential causes of the accident.
In general, when family members grieve from accidents of this nature, there can be a lot to think through and consider. And while filing a wrongful death claim can often be the last thing on a loved one’s mind, it is important to fully evaluate options moving forward. In many states, wrongful death claims are only available for immediate family members. In New Hampshire, however, anyone with a legal interest in the deceased person’s estate is eligible to file a wrongful death claim.
Wrongful death claims may be filed even if there are impending criminal charges in the same case. It is important to understand the difference between the civil wrongful death claim and the possible criminal charges that a state can bring against those responsible for the accident. While civil claims award a loved one damages for his or her loss, criminal claims are brought by the State to sanction the person who is at fault. Understanding these nuances can allow you to litigate your case fully and efficiently, so you can have the highest chance of receiving the monetary damages that should be awarded to you.
To Inquire About Filing a Wrongful Death Claim, Give Us a Call at Peter Thompson & AssociatesBecause reeling from a loss is incredibly difficult, we at Peter Thompson & Associates pride ourselves on empathetic and effective representation. We understand that no one wants to be in a position of filing a wrongful death claim and that the prospect of litigating these claims can be incredibly daunting. You are quite possibly, however, entitled to monetary compensation if you have lost a loved one in a car accident. Our job is to help you investigate your options and then put forward the best case possible on your behalf. To learn about your rights and options, give us a call today at Peter Thompson & Associates. We offer free and confidential consultations, or you can fill out a contact form to have an attorney reach out to you directly.