Semi-Truck Careens Into Oncoming Traffic and Causes New Hampshire Fatal Accident
December 28, 2022
The winter weather in the Northeast, and the wet or icy roads that accompany it, put many Granite Staters at risk during each holiday season. Drivers are often on a schedule to see family for holiday celebrations, and the increased traffic and stress involved can result in dangerous situations. Earlier this month, a semi-truck driver lost control of his vehicle and veered into oncoming traffic, causing a multi-vehicle collision that left one person dead.
According to a local news report discussing the tragic crash, a Massachusetts man driving a semi-truck earlier this month was traveling southbound on Route 16 near Dover. The truck driver appeared to lose control of his vehicle, causing it to leave the roadway and enter the northbound lanes. The truck then collided with two smaller sedans, while another other vehicle left the road and crashed into guardrails to avoid colliding with the out-of-control semi. The driver of an Acura vehicle that was the first to be hit by the semi was pronounced dead at the scene, with other drivers reportedly injured in the crash.
Determining financial liability for multi-vehicle accidents in New Hampshire can be difficult, as some injuries and damage can result from incidents that are only tangentially related to an initial act of negligence. If a driver decides to leave the roadway and crash into a guardrail to avoid a more dangerous collision up ahead, they may or may not be entitled to compensation under New Hampshire law. New Hampshire courts follow a rule for determining negligence in such cases, commonly referred to as “the 51% rule.” Under this rule. Any driver who is a party to an accident can recover damages from other negligent drivers, so long as the recovering driver is less than 50% responsible for the accident. If a driver negligently attempts to avoid another accident and crashes, they may be entitled to recover from the party causing the initial accident if they can make this case to the courts.
Police accident reports often assign fault for an accident, and citations may be issued to one or more drivers involved. The decision of a responding police officer as to fault will not necessarily be followed by the courts. Additional investigation may be needed to determine what actually happened and argue fault for a personal injury claim. Drivers who are cited for being 51% at fault for a multi-vehicle collision should consult with a qualified New Hampshire personal injury attorney to perform a detailed investigation of the crash and determine the appropriate course of action to take.
If you or a loved one has been hurt in a New Hampshire car crash, seeking compensation for medical bills and other expenses can be a daunting task. The experienced New Hampshire personal injury attorneys with Peter Thompson & Associates can help you build the strongest case to receive compensation for your loss. Our dedicated car accident attorneys work tirelessly to get our clients the compensation they deserve. If you have questions about a possible lawsuit, reach out to our offices today. For a free, no-obligation consultation with a Maine personal injury attorney, call us today at 1-800-804-2004.