
Causes of Car Accidents

Advocacy for New Hampshire Residents Injured in Motor Vehicle Collisions

Car accidents can occur for many reasons, and sometimes an accident is unavoidable even if drivers operate their cars responsibly. In most cases, however, the actions of one or more parties cause an accident to occur. People who suffer injuries and losses in a car crash may be able to recover damages from the party who caused the accident. If you or a loved one was involved in a crash, you should retain a New Hampshire car accident lawyer to analyze the facts of your case and help you determine a plan for pursuing compensation. The attorneys at Peter Thompson and Associates have more than 60 years of combined experience helping injured New Hampshire residents pursue damages following these incidents. We are familiar with the causes of car accidents and will fight vigorously to help you recover damages from the party who caused your accident.

Possible Causes of Car Accidents

There is a broad range of reasons why car accidents may occur, but some causes are more common than others. Many car accidents are caused by the inept driving of one or more drivers. A driver may lack the ability to drive in a safe and reasonable manner due to inexperience, age, or a physical or mental impairment. In other cases, a driver’s impairment is not permanent but is caused by the consumption of drugs or alcohol, or lack of sleep. At other times, a car accident will not be caused by anyone’s driving but by a mechanical issue with the car or a dangerous condition in the road. The cause of a car accident may not be evident immediately after the accident, and it is not unusual for a car accident to have multiple causes. If you sustained injuries in a car accident in New Hampshire, it is in your best interest to consult an experienced car accident lawyer to analyze the facts of your case and assist you in seeking damages from the parties that may be responsible for your harm.

Seeking Damages After a Car Accident

Regardless of the precise act that causes an accident, the root cause of most car accidents is negligence. In New Hampshire, to prove that another party’s negligence caused your harm, you must show that the other party owed you a duty of care, the other party breached the duty, and the breach caused the accident to occur and, as a result, caused you to sustain damages. The specific duty owed will vary based on the context. For example, all licensed drivers owe other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians a duty to operate their vehicles in a safe and reasonable manner. Additionally, car manufacturers owe the public a duty to design and make cars that are reasonably safe for the circumstances in which they will be used. In some cases, a duty imposed on a party will be defined by law.

The Scope of Damages

Car accidents frequently cause both property damage and injuries, which can result in substantial bills. You may be able to recover the cost of repairing or replacing any damaged property following your accident. Additionally, you may be entitled to the cost of past and future medical treatment, including prescriptions and adaptive devices. If you were married when the accident occurred, your spouse may also be entitled to damages. In addition to compensation for economic damages, you might be able to recover damages for the pain and suffering caused by the injuries that you sustained in the accident. If you wish to seek compensation following a car accident, you must file your lawsuit within three years of the date of the crash. If you lost a loved one due to an accident, any wrongful death claim also must be filed within three years of the date of the death.

Get Advice From a Knowledgeable New Hampshire Attorney

Car crashes are an unfortunate risk that can become a reality at any time. If you suffered injuries in a car crash, you may be able to recover compensation for your harm. At Peter Thompson and Associates, our attorneys understand the causes of car accidents and can aggressively advocate on your behalf to assist you in pursuing damages following your car accident. We provide our clients with comprehensive representation and maintain a high rate of successful results in New Hampshire car accident cases. We have offices in Bedford, Nashua, Portsmouth, and Manchester, from which we assist injured people across the state. Contact us at 800.804.2004 or via our online form to schedule a meeting at no cost to you.

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