Speeding Accidents
While all licensed drivers should be aware that they are required to abide by posted speed limits, speeding is a common occurrence. In some cases, a driver can speed without consequences, but excessive speed is a common cause of car accidents. If you sustained harm due to a speeding accident, you should be compensated for the damages that you incurred and any pain and suffering that you experienced. As a result, it is in your best interest to meet with an experienced New Hampshire car accident lawyer to analyze your options for pursuing damages. At Peter Thompson and Associates, our attorneys have been assisting individuals injured in car accidents caused by speeding for more than 60 years collectively. We will work diligently to help you pursue the maximum amount of damages that you may be owed.
Damages Commonly Pursued After Speeding AccidentsIndividuals harmed by speeding accidents typically seek damages to compensate for both economic and noneconomic harm. Economic harm can include any costs incurred in repairing the damage to your vehicle. You may also be able to recover the cost of any medical treatment, including any physical or occupational therapy, prescriptions, or adaptive devices. Additionally, you may be able to recover the cost of any medical treatment that is reasonably certain to be necessary in the future. If you were out of work due to the injuries that you sustained in the accident, you can also seek compensation for lost income.
Noneconomic damages often make up a large portion of a damages award in a personal injury case. These damages include compensation for any pain and suffering and mental anguish that you experienced due to the accident. In addition to your damages, if you were married at the time of the accident, your husband or wife may be able to seek compensation for the loss of your services and companionship.
Under New Hampshire law, any lawsuit to recover damages for injuries sustained in a car accident needs to be filed within three years of the date of the accident. As a result, if you intend to seek damages following a car accident caused by speeding, it is essential that you consult a lawyer in a timely manner.
Proving Liability for a Car Accident Caused by SpeedingIn many car accident cases pursued in the New Hampshire courts, the injured party alleges that the defendant driver’s negligence was the cause of the accident, and thus the driver should be held accountable for any damages caused by the accident. To prove a driver’s liability based on a theory of negligence, you need to prove that the driver owed you a duty, he or she breached the duty, and the breach caused the accident. You must also prove that the accident caused you calculable damages. In car accident cases in which the motor vehicle code imposes a duty on drivers, such as the duty to obey the speed limit, evidence that the defendant driver violated the motor vehicle code can be used as evidence of a breach of duty.
Eyewitness testimony, police reports, and surveillance videos can be helpful to prove that the defendant driver was speeding at the time of the accident. In some cases, it may be necessary to retain an expert to recreate the accident to offer proof of the speed of the defendant driver. If you were injured in an accident caused by speeding, a skilled car accident attorney can seek any documents or facts via discovery that will help you establish a strong argument that the negligent driver should be held liable for your harm.
Speak With an Experienced Motor Vehicle Collision LawyerWhen drivers speed, they take the risk of harming someone else with their negligent actions. If you sustained injuries or property damage in a speeding accident, you should speak with an attorney experienced in handling New Hampshire car accident cases to discuss your options for pursuing damages for your harm. At Peter Thompson and Associates, our aggressive representation has allowed us to maintain a record of successful outcomes. Our offices are located in Bedford, Nashua, Portsmouth, and Manchester, New Hampshire, and we regularly represent parties throughout the state. Contact us at 800.804.2004 or through the online form to set up a consultation.