Uber Accidents
In a relatively short time, Uber has become ubiquitous, and New Hampshire residents often take advantage of the quick and convenient transportation that Uber provides. Uber drivers, like all drivers, have a duty to drive in a safe and sensible manner. Uber drivers do not always uphold this duty, however, and they can negligently cause accidents due to their unsafe driving. If you were hurt or sustained damages due to an accident with an Uber driver, you should meet with a New Hampshire Uber accident lawyer to evaluate your options for seeking compensation from the Uber driver who caused the accident. The attorneys of Peter Thompson and Associates have over 60 years of total experience representing New Hampshire victims who were injured in car accidents. Our capable attorneys have the skills needed to identify and manage any hurdles to your recovery and will vigorously advocate on your behalf.
Uber DriversUber accidents are the same as other car accidents in that there are countless ways in which they can occur. Uber accidents differ from typical car accidents, however, in that an Uber driver is providing a service at the time of the accident. While Uber provides a similar service to a taxi cab, Uber drivers differ from taxi drivers in that they do not undergo any training. Anyone who is 21 years old or older, has a valid driver’s license, has driven in the United States for one year, has a four-door vehicle, and passes the criminal record and driving record screening can drive for Uber. Additionally, Uber drivers differ from taxi drivers because Uber drivers are not employees of Uber but instead are independent contractors. However, Uber maintains a $1 million insurance policy to cover accidents in which Uber drivers are at fault while they are on duty. This insurance can apply both to passengers of the Uber driver and to people outside the Uber vehicle who are injured.
Proving Liability for an Uber AccidentUber accidents are often caused by driver negligence. To prove liability under a theory of negligence, an Uber accident attorney in New Hampshire must prove each element of negligence. Specifically, they must show that the driver owed you a duty, the driver breached the duty, the breach caused the accident, and the accident caused you to suffer quantifiable damages. To show that a breach was the cause of an accident, your attorney must show both that the accident would not have happened without the breach and that the breach was a substantial factor in bringing about the accident.
Damages Recoverable After Uber AccidentsAccidents with Uber drivers can cause damage to a vehicle and serious injuries. You can seek compensation for the cost to repair the damage to your car and the cost of any treatment that you underwent for your injuries. Additionally, if you were unable to work due to your injuries, you may be able to recover damages for your loss of earnings. You may also be able to recover damages for any pain and suffering caused by the accident. If you were involved in an accident with an Uber driver and wish to seek damages, it is important to promptly consult a New Hampshire Uber accident attorney, since any lawsuit to recover damages needs to be filed within three years of the date when the accident occurred.
Hire a Skilled Car Accident Attorney to Assert Your RightsNew Hampshire law imposes the same duties on all drivers, including Uber drivers, and Uber and its drivers should be held accountable for any accident caused by a failure to drive in a safe manner. If you were injured in an accident with an Uber driver, you should retain an experienced car accident attorney to assist you in pursuing compensation from the driver. At Peter Thompson and Associates, our attorneys can vigorously advocate on your behalf to assist you in pursuing a successful outcome under the circumstances. Our skillful handling of New Hampshire car accident cases has allowed us to record a history of successful outcomes. Our offices are located in Bedford, Nashua, Portsmouth, and Manchester, New Hampshire, from which we represent individuals throughout the state. We can be reached at 800.804.2004 or through our online form to set up a free consultation with an Uber accident lawyer in New Hampshire.